Saturday, 25 May 2013

Project 365 19th May- 25th May

Thought I would do a collage this week, just to be a bit different.

 Sunday 19th

We went down to the cottage tonight, and boy was it muddy. You can read more about it here.

Monday 20th

the new plumbing bit needed too solve a problem, you can read more about the fun here!!

 Tuesday 21st

Help from daughter No3 in stripping the living room ready for the decorator next week.We did have a set of ladders there, but she said she preferred the chair.

Wednesday 22nd

Thus little bird has made friends with hubby, he sits on the blue bin waiting on him going out with food.

Thursday 23rd

Hubby has had rather a few health concerns lately, this is his badge from having an endoscopy this morning. He has promised to write me a post all about his experience so that it may help somebody else in the future,

Friday 24th

The building work is nearing the end, houses suppose to be habitable by the first week in June. There was essential work to be done, and they promised to keep the disruption to a minimum. Not sure how a fire engine or ambulance would have got through the just about car size gap, but thankfully one was not needed.

Saturday 25th

I joined in with a conversation about vaginal dryness during the menopause on another website a while back. Through it I was asked if I would like to try a sample of this product and also do a telephone interview with a view to that interview becoming an article in a magazine. I was more than happy to do this, as it is a problem many women suffer from and one of the symptoms that is not as openly talked about as some of the other symptoms.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Lovely capture of a blackbird, there seems to be lots of them around at the moment

  2. wow you have had some lows this week!! i do hope hubbys health improves Elaine and i do hope you get everything in the house sorted soon so you can relax a little more x

  3. its nice to see your posts done in a different way and i like your new header.
    sorry about your husbands poor health i hope he soon picks up and gets back to his usual self.
    i like the muddy shoes shot - always a sign of a fun time outdoors. and good for you doing the interview as you say its not something that gets discussed much x

    1. I am not sure sure on my new header, its got a week to grow on me, but nice to know others like it.

  4. Hope your hubby's health improves

    Lovely capture of the blackbird!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. ET Speaks From Home has left a new comment on your post "Project 365 19th May- 25th May":

    hope your husband is alright.

    (sorry I deleted in error)


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.