Tuesday, 7 May 2013

More fun at the cottage.

When daughter No1 dropped the grandchildren off last Monday Fifi was not in a good mood. She had forgot to tell mummy she was suppose to be playing football after school, and so was not happy about having to come here instead.

After a bit of light hearted teasing whilst they had a snack she was fine, so as usual we toddles off down to the cottage, where both of them have a great time.

Bob ran off miles in front, he knows how to open and close the gate, and he also knows he goes no further, as the river is down here.

Fifi jumps on the tree to disturb beasties while Bob looks inside for them.

They love jumping off the egde

with Fifi jumping higher and further

They like throwing things to make splashes in the river

Must admit I always think Bob will fall in, but he hasn't yet.

Working as a team digging for treasure

and playing nicely together back up at the cottage

Bob managed to fall over backwards whilst pushing Fifi, so granddad brushed him down

Here is a wee bit video footage of the two of them laughing and giggling together. They really are a very loveable pair when they are like this. These wee video clips are just so nice to look back on.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Sounds like you have a lovely place for them to explore and have fun!

  2. It looks like they had great fun.

  3. Looks like a great place to be outside and have fun

  4. Your cottage really reminds me of the farm here with the river running though too. a great natural adventure play ground for the children and looks like they know just how to make the most of it. Lovely viseo, they are clearly best of friends. Thank you for sharing a lovely day down at the cottage on Country Kids.


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.