Saturday, 4 May 2013

Project 365 28th April - 4th May

Well another pretty routine week in this household, running around like a headless chicken after this one that one and the next one, one of these days I am going to meet myself coming back.


I was looking for signs of life in the shallow edge of the river. Couldn't find anything.


Another cool but sunny evening so we all toddled off down to the cottage for some freedom and fun. Fifi cant wait for the warmer weather so she can go paddling in the river. Today's picture has to be the two of them playing with the bubble I bought last week.

When I dropped the grandchildren off at home this morning I went round to daughter No 2's house to pick up some of her rubbish to take to the recycling centre on the way home, but forget it doesn't open till ten on a weekday morning, so had to leave it in the boot. As it was a nice evening we went back round and then went out to Auchencruive Estate. Sadly there are signs up all over the place saying it has been taken over. They have shut off all the car parks and are demolishing buildings.

You would think at least they would have switched the water off before demolition, what a huge waste of clean water,


Loving these summer nights, light till way past tea time, great to get  out for an evening walk, breaks up the evening and its not like I don't need the exercise. Decided instead of the park to take a wander round the cemetery. Morbid I know but I find them quite quite peaceful in a strange sort of way. Also gets you thinking, some of the dates go back fifty, sixty, a hundred years - who actually remembers them? I remember my grandparents, have very very fond memories of my paternal ones, but don't remember my great- grandparents.
This is a multiple grave of American airmen who died locally in March 1918, wonder if anybody ever visits them?


Had to run son No 1 somewhere this week, and took this while I was waiting for him to finish.


This is the chestnut tree in the garden throwing out it's new shoots.


Got this through the post today along with a review item. Must admit he is rather cute.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Simply stunning

    I live the angle of the church one .
    I had the crisps to x

  2. My children have been paddling in the river since February but that is not to say it has been warm with us, they are just quite mad!

  3. Quite a mix of pics this week. I like the church one and it's nice to see the chestnut shoots.

  4. My two would love that monkey! I have never seen a young chestnut tree before but it's nice to see it coming to life as spring has well and truly started now. I used to walk through a cemetery to get to town and I would always find it interesting seeing the names and dates of when people died too. So much life history x x

  5. I think my fave is the river shot although the chestnut budding is a very close second

  6. the cheshnut tree looks very interesting x

  7. Some great pics - bubble blowing looks fun

  8. We got the monkey as well and my girls love him :) The water photo is my favourite xx

  9. What a great week and gorgeous photos x

  10. cute monkey..
    The American airmen were a long way from home. I always think it must be awful for the families left behind.

  11. I love the river picture! We got the monkey too..the baby has been trying to eat him!


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