Sunday, 25 August 2013

Our fun with #my 99p store challenge

I saw this challenge over on the 99p store website  the challenge was

Family bloggers – we want YOU!

Family bloggers – we want YOU to help show the world how much fun you can have with a tenner at 99p Stores with our ‘My 99p Summer’ Blogger Competition.

So I popped over to see what the shop sell and looked where my nearest store was. At that time there were none in Scotland, but I was informed that the first Scottish store was opening in my home town on August 4th and thought this would be fun and so applied to join in. It truly is in keeping with the title of my bog so how would I not? I was accepted for the challenge so this week went to check out the shop.

The shop is strategically placed at the station end of the town, as far away as possible from the other shops of its ilk in town, and have to admit I dont usually shop at this end of the town, everything I need is at the other end.

Anyway I took a wander into the shop and was amazed at the amount of stuff they sell, especially name brands. From basics like cereals and tinned products, to cleaning products, pans and freezer bags, baby goods, batteries, toys and stationery. Many of the products were actually less than 99p.

So as this was about how much fun you can have with the money I looked at products for the grandchildren.
First of all as the weather is still nice I looked at some outdoor toys, I bought Bob a

 which he had fun with

 and Fifi a skip and hop

which Fifi had lots of fun with

they were having fun outside after they had finished playing with these,

but it had been all sweetness and light, Fifi kept pinching Bobs ball and to get it back he grabbed hold of her hair to stop her making her squeal.

After tea we decided to build their wooden models, Fifi picked the jeep and Bob took the plane.
Theses are a great buy for 99p.

Fifi pressed hers out rather ambitiously and broke one of the slots that fit the model together. So we glued the piece but had to wait on it drying before she could assemble it, so she painted hers first instead. I have to admit they were quite difficult to press out of the frame they came in.

Fifi will assemble hers later this week.

Bob and I sat in the house and made his. He needed some help with pushing some of the pieces out and I had to hold the model while he assembled it. Bob will paint his when he is here as well. They make great ornaments .

We also bought seed pots to paint

 Glue sticks as Fifi keeps asking for glue cos she loves to cut and stick,  and also bought them a pencil, eraser and highlighter set, and Bob keeps asking for a pencil case, and I love this one as it fits inside a ring binder making it less easy to loose.

As I was buying glue and paints I picked up a plastic tablecloth to cover the table with so it is easier to clean up after their craft activities.

I treated myself to these as they looked nice, and they certainly are. Not Bob friendly and cant eat them when he is here, but he is not here every day.

Lots of fun was had for our £10, what would you have bought with yours?

Disclaimer - we were provided with shopping vouchers to join in with this challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness me, what a lot can be had for just £10 amazing bargains and lots of fun too well done x


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