Sunday, 25 August 2013

Project 365 18th - 25th August.

Well that's are children been back to school for a week. Fifi asked me on Friday morning if I was walking her to school? Do you want me to I said? One horrified look later.....No she replies I was just asking in case you were going to. The school is literally at the bottom of my street and she is Primary seven, off to big school next year, and been walking to school by herself for two and a half years so I did not really think she needed me too.


This cacti was shared earlier this year, it is an off spring of one bought by Daughter No3 at a school fair way back approx 17 years ago. This one must be happy in its new home as it has flowered. All 3 of them are stood together and get the same amount of light and water, goodness knows why one has flowered and the others two haven't.


Not really sure what he is, but he appeared about a week ago at the fishery. Not very clear as he does not stay still long enough, very very nervous creature.


Had Bob for a while this afternoon as his mum was a way for her 24 week scan. Twins still right size for two singletons, on the big size for twins.  We went for a walk down the back roads and ended up watching the tractors harvesting. You can read all about it here if you really wish.


Decided tonight to go somewhere other than the fishery, its very pretty and all that there but fancied a change. So we rove out to Auchencruive Estate. Use to walk here regularly and have many many pictures over the years of children, grandchildren and the dogs here. Shorty dog loved the place.
Went down to the dam and took the water cascading over the middle of the rocks. Not been a lot of rain lately but enough to keep the river flowing. Found out about auto awesome on google+ so cheating slightly with today's picture.

Sleep over night for the children has changed to a Thursday night, only night of the week that suits all of us between their after school activities and me working. They were out in the garden playing and I all I could hear were fits of giggles while I was putting out their tea, sneaked out and took this.

 Sorry, if your a veggie you may wish to look the other way.
Bought a piece of roast pork the other day, and very nice it was too, but do you know the best bit? For me it has to be the hot crispy crackling off the top, scrap away the layer of fat underneath and just crunch...yum yum yum.


Went out tonight and took  the grandchildrens camera, my camera,  the grandchildren's camera that we received from Travel Supermarket yesterday, purely in the name of research of course, to try it out and see what sort of results I can get. Have to say I was well impressed with the over all quality, the modes/programmes on it, and boy oh boy well impressed with the panoramic facility. Not tried it?  go on, its really impressive.

Any way the camera had its first outing to....the will get use to being there.

Took this on macro mode and despite the wee breeze there was it turned out very well. Nice depth of field, clear subject matter, not the most interesting subject. Did take a load more pictures on various setting may share them with you later this week when I get chance.


  1. Love the picture of the kids playing. That bird looks interesting!

  2. I like the grass shot with the camera. Gutted that we didn't get one - can't take part without it as not risking our existing camera.

  3. I'm with you on this one, the cracking is amazing and no one else here likes it so I get the whole lot

  4. i like your moving photo - so clever. that bird is very unsual isnt it? its tail is very long and quite fancy too. wonder what it is?nice to see your grandchildren getting on so nicely too .
    good news about the twins - cant believe it is 24 weeks already - that has flown by x

  5. So sad summer is coming to an end :( Love Wednesday's photo(s)

  6. The rolling fields are fabulous, great colours and hinting at Autumn on its way.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  7. Beautiful photos! I love the one of the kids in the garden.


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.