Friday, 18 October 2013

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas- its all I hear at the moment.

For goodness sake Christmas is still more than two months away but all you see, hear and read at the moment is Christmas.

I have to say I find this time of the year quite a stress not only with deciding what to buy and where to buy it but with everything else that comes for us before it.

It starts on October 27th with son No1's birthday. 31st October is next with Halloween.
We live in a busy housing scheme this year and no doubt will get trick or treaters at the door; especially as we are "Fifi and Bob's grandparents" then we will be a safe door to target in this small village. Need to remember and stock up on sweets and apples, no monkey nuts in this house for us. 

Next is the 3rd November this is hubby's birthday, and for all we do not buy each other much I still need to remember it. One downside of our summer house move is the fact we had to leave our gas central heating behind, there is no gas in the village, one of the downsides of living rural. This house will not be as warm this winter as the last house was, and with that in mind I thought an ideal gift this year for hubby would be a dressing gown.  A nice heavy fleece or towelling would be ideal. We are all being encouraged to wear a jumper; well this would be ideal for first thing in the morning. 

Ooops Sorry H, then of course there is daughter No3's birthday on the 16th, how could I have forgotten my baby??? 

Next off we have Fifi's birthday, hard to believe she will be 11 on the 18th November. Where has the time gone? For her this year I am thinking a magazine subscription, she had one before for a few years and it is great as she gets weekly or monthly this way. 

Next this year will be the twins. My daughter just did not plan these two out well at all. We are to be blessed with these two by arranged caesarean
 on the 19th November, or before if she goes into labour herself. What was wrong with June or July when we have no others? New baby pressies will be required, not to mention something for the big brother and sister so they don’t feel left out. 

On the 28th November not only is it my birthday but it is also our wedding anniversary. I know what I want, I am wanting to replace my wedding ring this year as we lost it in the one from last house move. It did not turn up this time so I think we can safely say it is lost. I don't wear it all that often as jewellery affects my eczema on my hands but I feel uncomfortable when we are out without it as hubby wears his, and I often wonder if people clock this and think I am out with somebody else's husband. 

We then only have three weeks and six days and one pay packet before the 25th December, so is it any wonder I dread it? 

 .Disclaimer - this is a sponsored post


  1. Not to forget daughter number 3's birthday on the 16th

  2. Teehee :) this is quite the month so it's easy to forget one of us


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