Saturday, 19 October 2013

One on one time with Fifi.

Fifi's pictures of conkers
Today Bob had two hospital appointments, one for 10 to 3 and one for 20 to 4, as Daughter No1 only has five weeks to go she is getting big, bulky and uncomfortable, and so being the nice mummy I am  I drove them up.

the sign for our walk

dead trees -or are they? 

Took Fifi with us as son in law (F) was at work. Fifi and I had planned if it was dry that we would go and do the walk round the hospital where we were for the opening day of the paths  you can refresh yourself here if you want. . We dropped them at the main door and Fifi and I parked up near the helipad, or lilypad as Bob calls it. So Fifi and I decided we would walk round the paths. We took two cameras with us so Fifi could be using theirs and taking pictures as well. She took some nice conkers shots and random other pictures.

a random drain taken by Fifi

It was nice having her all to myself. We talked about school and next year when she goes onto big school. We talked about boys. We talked about the twins and how she is hoping they dont come on her birthday but if they do she will be ok about it.

the leafy lane

We talked about names for the twins, how all the names she wants mummy says are chav names, and Bob wants to call Minky things like wonder boy or superman.  Daddy likes the names Craig and Tara, which are not bad names but Daddy works at a place called Craigtara so mummy has said no to that one as well. So far there are no set names yet.

finding the clues and standing on the chairs

Have to laugh at the innocence. Fifi wants a pair of converse and a baseball jacket for her birthday next month. She thinks she is getting them because one day when mummy went the toilet Fifi knocked the computer desk and the mouse moved and the screen saver came off and she saw mummy had been looking at converse on the internet. I remember the days we use to search cupboards and lofts. I was thinking of adding some charms to her charm bracelet for her, I bought it with the intention of building on it.

collecting conkers
While we were walking Fifi was jumping and playing and we came across some horse chestnut trees and so she started conker collecting. She filled her jacket pockets up, and at one point we stopped to sort the conkers out as she found more big ones. We also found a lot of the treasure hunt was still there and set up.

playing with her shadow

We walked back to the car and emptied her pockets into a carrier bag, moved the car nearer the door to make it easier for daughter to walk back to the car and then went inside to get a drink and see how they were getting on.

sitting in a bench
We told mummy she had filled her pockets with conkers, and we got a row because it was a new jacket and it was the first time she had had it on

sorting the best ones out to take home

Fifi washed her conkers when we got home, and counted out she has 128 of them. They have been taken home to lie about Fifi's room for the next umpteen weeks no doubt..... I also got a row for letting her take them home.

the stairs between one walk and the other

ps thank you Fiona for my blog post title

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Disclaimer this is a sponsored post but all ideas are my won. 


  1. How lovely to spend some quality time with Fifi! x

  2. sounds like a great day out especially if it meant you got told off!

  3. What a lovely post - great photos of your walk and some precious time with Fifi. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.


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